Orbán, Judas and the gay lobby – behind Zoltán Balog’s attempt to rescue himself in his church
The pardon scandal has shaken Zoltán Balog's position within the Reformed Church, but in recent weeks he has managed to
Editors stand by the attacked Atlatszo
(Magyar) A nemrég elfogadott szuverenitásvédelmi törvényre hivatkozva indult propagandisztikus támadás az Átlátszó ellen épp a sajtószabadság ünnepéhez közeledve.
How Orbán flooded Central Europe with millions of online ads during election season
While the Hungarian government is very sensitive to its own sovereignty, it has also been running serious advertising campaigns in
“If you are new to this, I’ll see you through it all the way” – The internet is full of ads in Hungarian recruiting sex workers, but authorities see no problem with them
Although encouraging prostitution is a criminal offence In Hungary, the authorities say there is nothing wrong with openly advertising foreign
Some Hungarian hospitals have been facing a serious infection situation for years. Yet nothing happens to them
Never before has it been possible to get a deeper look into the most frightening corners of the Hungarian health
How Viktor Orbán tried to extinguish the pedophile pardon scandal that shook his government
The government initially hoped that they could get away with it, but when they saw the internal polls, they knew
Orbán’s former minister was pushing for the pardon that led to the fall of Hungary’s first female president
Direkt36 and Telex have learned from several independent sources that head of the Hungarian Reformed Church Zoltán Balog, who has
Orbán’s true reasons for opposing Ukraine’s EU accession revealed
According to information obtained by Direkt36, prime minister Orbán said at a closed-door meeting last spring that Ukraine's accession would
Uncovering the secret African mission of Viktor Orbán’s son
The son of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has tried to hide his involvement in the planned Hungarian military mission
The “Sovereignty Protection Authority” is harmful and against the rule of law, yet it cannot intimidate independent media
The newly adopted "Sovereignty Protection" law does not expressly regulate the operation of media companies, it is, however, capable of
The Ministry of Interior says there is no problem with hospital-acquired infections. However, a leaked document says they know the situation is serious
According to an internal document of the Ministry of Interior leaked to Direkt36, health care authorities are aware of the
Swiss Bank Account Tied to Hungarian Tycoon Provides New Details of Alleged Misuse of Government Funds
In an ongoing criminal case prosecutors claim officials of the Ministry of Agriculture fraudulently disbursed HUF 2,2 billion in 2019.
Minister Csaba Lantos’ former secret business revealed from the Cyprus Confidential project
The energy minister had a company in Cyprus at a time when Viktor Orbán was attacking others for such businesses.
“Washing our hands” – here is the documentary uncovering the secrets of hospital-acquired infections
Direkt36 has spent more than a year investigating the worsening situation of hospital-acquired infections in Hungary. Watch our documentary film
In England, the cleaner is the most important person in the hospital. How did other countries manage to decrease hospital-acquired infections?
While the spread of dangerous hospital-acquired infections is a growing problem in Hungary every year, it is being successfully managed
“We just spread the bacteria all over the hospital” – Why is the prevalence of dangerous hospital-acquired infections growing in Hungary?
A 35-year-old mother has contracted a serious hospital infection because she was left for hours without changing a contaminated diaper
Until now, it was a secret how Hungarian hospitals were dealing with infections. Direkt36 has created and now publishes their ranking.
For the first time, we publish a ranking of how Hungarian hospitals compare to each other based on the handling
Thousands of hospital patients are dying from terrible infections. Instead of addressing the situation, the government is working to cover it up
Year after year, hospitals report an increasing amount of serious and even fatal hospital-acquired infections, but the reality is even
The secret history of Viktor Orbán’s favorite company
A Direkt36 investigation has revealed that the Hungarian Prime Minister personally got involved in an acquisition of 4iG, a Hungarian
Inside the crisis of the Hungarian opposition
The opposition parties that suffered a crushing defeat in 2022 are busy gaining positions in favor of each other instead